After all this illness, death, tiredness and decision making, I needed a break.
Being the traveller that I am, I was thrilled to go for a short trip with my friend G. and our dogs.
For the first time in months the temperature was high and the spring was just begining to blossom.
This was the view from the window...
We enjoyed the long walks in the mountain and it was warm. I love nature and I love the mountain energy. Lying down on the grass and taking your shoes off. That is happiness. The simple happy things of life. The abundance of colours and the buzzing of the bees. And the clear sky.
I hadn't visited the Delphi site in years. It was breathtaking.
The colours were so bright! Every walk, every turn would bring us into another beautiful secret beneath the trees...
Thank you my dear friend for honouring me and taking me with you! What a great gift!
My new life will start from there. And I promise it will be a happy, colourful life. My life.
σε περιμένουμεεεεεεεεε!!!!!!!!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΘα μου λείψεις, αλλά χαίρομαι για σένα :)
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΚαλή αρχή travellerlina. Πολύ όμορφες οι φωτογραφίες σου:)
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΣας ευχαριστω και τους 3 μεσα απο την καρδια μου!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήVam, χαιρομαι που σου αρεσουν οι φωτο!