I don't know what's happening to me. There is a tap that opened and has flooded my heart, my soul, my senses... It is the tap of inspiration.
I have started writing a book. A book that I stoped writing because of Antonis's illness. I remembered it about a month ago. My small note book got lost. I left it back in Sifnos. So, I started all over again. And it's simply too much fun! I love it!
Have you ever thought of your creativity as a water tap? You keep it closed and look enviously at other people's taps flooding their lives. You read their interviews and look at their work. Slowly, you turn your tap on, just a tiny little bit. It just drips. One drop every day. The water is not enough. The bucket underneath the tap is still empty. You turn the tap a tiny little bit more. You are scared. What if the bucket fills up? What are you going to do with all this water? Steadily you turn the tap more and more. Your bucket is full, ready to water your garden plants. Along the way you meet peoplle who encourage you to open your tap a little bit more. You feel they want to drink your water.
So, let your tap open. Miracles will follow. Wet miracles! Ha ha ha!
Have a good day, love yourself for what you are, forgive yourself for what you were.
Γεια σου Ελίνα!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΠαρακολουθώ το blog σου από τότε που διάβασα γι' αυτό στο Protagon. Ήθελα να σου πω ότι πάντα με γεμίζεις αισιοδοξία και θετική διάθεση.
Καλή επιτυχία σε όλα τα υπέροχα πράγματα που κάνεις, σχεδιάζεις να κάνεις ή ονειρεύεσαι να κάνεις.
σ' ευχαριστώ ελένη, συνονόματη! με πετυχες σε μια στιγμή που είχα μια εσωτερική γκρίνια ότι έχω μέρες να γράψω και ότι δεν έχω τίποτα να πω. θα γράψω όμως και θα πω ό,τι έχω να πω σύντομα. Φιλια!