I have a part time job and I will get paid in 41 days. I am still looking for a more decent job which will give me more decent money.
Walking around the city, working and being out half the day, I'm waiting for the miracles to happen. Athens is not pretty anymore, I talk with my friends and they are not optimistic about the future. When we start talking about all the things that hurt us, I stop. Let's talk about the bright things. Let's talk about something positive. There's always something positive to be said...
I have started thinking about working in a farm. For money. I do like being a volunteer but it does not bring food on the table. So I'm asking you. My readers. Do you know of any farm in Greece that need a couple to stay and work there? I'd like to be somewhere remote. I'd like to cook for people. I'd like to feed the animals, take care of gardens... Whatever...
If you have been reading long enough you know me well enough.
Be my messenger to the world. Please help. I need to feel the hope and the love. You might be the miracle that I need.
Have a good day.
σε αυτο το κυπριακό μπλογκ:
υπάρχει αυτό το σχόλιο:
το τελευταίο σχόλιο ζητεί ζευγάρι για εργασία σε φάρμα. μπορει να σας ενδιαφέρει
Ευχαριστώ ανώνυμε, έγραψα ήδη στο μπλογκ, για να δουμε αν θα βγει κάποια άκρη!