Nobody knew me back then, (almost) no one read what I had to say...
But I knew I had to do it. I had to write. I still feel the need to write, even when I'm not travelling. Writing has become a kind of psychotherapy. I think most bloggers would agree on that...
This blog became famous when I decided to go around the world. I would start from Italy and go on travelling to the farms of the world. When a friend wrote an article on me and my story in a famous website, my blog got 3.500 hits in one day! I was overwhelmed! The comments were good and bad, but I didn't care. I was going on the trip of a life time!
I have now 59 followers and many more who are not followers. They honour me with their comments and the mere fact they are still reading.
The trip around the world was temporarily cancelled. I came back because I needed my man. The security of a home... And my man got sick and died.
But I have to move on. Keep on living. Keep on creating. Keep on dreaming of going around the world.
In the safety of my family, I am planning the future.
Instead of introducing a TV in my new home, I took out my sewing mashine and put it where I could not miss it. For days it was looking at me. Inviting me. So I started again.
I fixed my duvet cover. I made a cover for a little table. I ended up making 3 bags because I did not like the bags offered in the stores. Yesterday I made a pouch for my tobacco. Sewing is back in my life. A burst of creativity.
And then it struck me. Show it to the world! Make a new blog with these artifacts! And I did! I now have to photograph everything. Practice my photography on another subject! I'm so exhited and I can't hide it!
I like the exclamation mark. It's become part of who I am.
Αν δεν πέρναγα μια βόλτα απο εδώ θα έσκαγα! καλησπέρα.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΤαξίδι είναι η ίδια η ζωή μας...
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΌσο είμαστε παρόντες βλέπουμε να ανοίγονται δίπλα μας χιλιάδες δρόμοι και διαφορετικά τοπία.
Χρόνια πολλά στο μπλογκ σου και σε 'σένα τα καλύτερα!
Happy birthday to you, then!!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήAnd quit smoking! :-) :-)
@italodisco! Ευτυχώς δεν έσκασες, αφού περασες από δω χαχαχαχα!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφή@AnD! Ευχαριστώ ευχαριστώ!!!! Ωραιοι δρομοι για ολους μας!
@g!! smoking is good for me, it grounds me hahaha! Thanks!