Σάββατο 5 Μαΐου 2012

Thriving is a lonely story...

I read something today and I need to share it over here. It took me a while to understand it, not because of the difficulty of the english language, but because of its difficult message. I'll post it and write my thoughts on it below. It was written by a friend called Linda Masterson. You can find her here.

"I wanna say something. Some will not like this. I'm sayin' it anyway.

This is something that is obscured in most discussions of "the Awakening." Animals are designed to live in Group Mind, placing the SURVIVAL of the group above that of the individual. Humans, having souls, are designed for THRIVAL through individual sovereign choices. Animals receive Animal Innate Knowing through the strings/meridians of creation. Humans receive Soul Innate Knowing through the strings/meridians of creation. This is one of the ways the elite can program us so easily: we have accepted the mingling of Soul Innate Knowing with Animal Innate Knowing. 

Think of the half-human/half-animal gods of old and all the way up to Smokey the Bear and the Easter Bunny. Whenever an animal is displaying human behavior, a program is being run on the observer. This program commingles the strings of creatiion so that humans, designed for THRIVAL, subscribe to behavior motivated by SURVIVAL. With this program in place, the Group Mind is in place in ones not designed to function in Group Mind.

Yes, we influence and support one another. Yes, we receive influence and support of higher dimensional beings.

However, it is very dishonoring to those doing the WORK of self-liberation to view this work as merely the function of some mass enlightenment. Mass enlightenment will not occur. It has never occurred. Those putting forward this notion either have an agenda of complicity with the elite or they are innocent of this complicity and uninformed about how energy works. In either event, this note is a CALL that we respect ourselves and those doing the work of self-liberation without watering down our respect in notions of "it's a mass thing, anyway." It is NOT. And, each one doing this work deserves and HAS my humble respect. It is WORK and CHOICE and it results in SOVEREIGNTY, not in some la-la, New Age, blissed out delusion. 

There: I've said it and I'm glad. :)"

 This writing touched me. 

These days I feel like spending more time with myself than with company. Yes, I see and communicate with many, but I do enjoy the time I spend with myself. 

Sometimes I have a feeling I don't belong. And I don't want to belong. I want the freedom of being me. Which is uncomfortable for some. 

But what I am took courage, tears, pain, energy, money, laughs and more courage. It took courage to see the darkness inside. It took strength to love an imperfect self. It took time and effort. And it is still going on. Linda reminded me this. She reminded me that no one will do it for you. You have to be willing to look inside the dark room. Just because some people are looking inside themselves, is not going to "save" everyone else. I tried to "save" some people, but they still went ahead and did their thing inspite of my expectations.

I can only "save" myself and myself can only "save" me.

But instead of saying "save" I should say " thrive"!

Have a wonderful dive in the sea called life...

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