I am flying to Rome on Friday and then taking a train to Tarquinia or Viterbo and then a bus to my magic farm in Tuscania! At last...
Loads of butterflies in my stomach, trying to keep my cool about money and saying a mandra all day in my head. "Money is coming to me, I will have enough money to travel and stay there." I will do anything it takes to stay there, even if I have to wash some dishes in a local taverna or something... I might cut down on smoking, it will only do me good for sure!
And another thing. Whilst I'm on the road, internet acccess will be difficult so my blog will be updated whenever I can...
There's so much on my mind, that it becomes numb and I cannot write a lot. Bare with me my beloved friends, my own, personal adventure is just starting! I am only 4 days away from the start of a dream! I still cannot believe how I did it, what kind of magic was performed for me to realise this plan. Apart from my own conviction, it was the love and support of all my known and unknown friends from the heart... Thanks, we all deserve a fulfilling life!
Πολύ ωραία νέα!! :-)
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήBuon viaggio λοιπόν και όλα να σου έρχονται πάντα όπως τα θέλεις.
ωραια!δες κι αυτο που σου εστειλα (μειλ)
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήγια το ορφανοτροφειο των μπονομπο στο κονγκο.
πιστευω πως οτι κι αν εχεις βρει στην αφρικη δεν θα ειναι καλυτερο απο αυτο!
Like you said, good news come to those who wait. Keep an open mind about all this and with a positive attitude everything will turn out fine. It's going to be one huge andventure :-)
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήAll the best for your wonderful adventure. Looking forward to hearing your news as it unfolds (when you can!)