Love. Having a relationship where you do not expect anything and nothing is expected of you. With its ups and downs. In a relationship where both have the freedom to express themselves. It brings great joy to my heart.
Thank you to all these wonderful people who have shared the fact that they cried while reading. You remind me that life is worth living. You encourage me to keep writing and keep doing what I do.
After a night full of dancing and laughter and fun and love, with just three hours of sleep, I am now ready to go back to the remoteness of the farm. Back to the horses. Back to myself.
One needs to go back inside sometimes. And then outside. And then inside again. A never ending circle. The sea we call life. Hope your summer is as rich as mine. Please make it so. Please live out your dreams. You deserve to. Maybe no one has ever told you that you deserve the best in life. But you do.
Why? Just because you exist. I say that. My teacher Jonah says that. You should say that to yourself. Start by going in front of the mirror. NOW.
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