Δευτέρα 15 Νοεμβρίου 2010

Olive tiredness

At last, my body reacted to the tiredness of the olive harvest. Two days of fever. Another thing is that when your body is exausted, your creativity is low. In front of an empty post. What do I write? I'll write about dramatic skies. Sunrises and sunsets. And starry skies. And the moon.

A month in Italy. Why do I exhaust myself? Is it a kind of punishment? Is it that I haven't whined in a long time and I need to complain about something? I am looking for a new place to go. I can feel the circle closing. Lorenzo and his family have been really nice. They are kind and very funny. And very helpful.

I don't feel very creative today and I hope it's just a phase. I am commited to this blog and I don't want another week to pass without saying something. Meanwhile, here are some pictures of a sunset and the sunrise from my room. Nature is always creative. Only we, the people, create uncreative moments. I have been listening to my teacher Jonah. And I am contemplating on the patterns I follow. I work hard to be accepted. I feel I don't deserve to make money. Patterns I have learned.

I am a talented person and I still believe I don't deserve several things. Isn't that amazing? The way we are brought up? I'll keep working on these beliefs.

Looking on the bright side of life, I am in a beautiful place. I am surrounded by beautiful people. I was cared for when I was feverish. Everyday I wake up in nature and walk on the earth instead of asphalt. I am blessed because I do what others only dream of. And yet there is something that even I have to learn. There is a lesson here for me. I cannot see it yet. It is just a feeling of inconvenience. Where is this journey taking me? What depths and darknesses of my soul are there to be explored still?

The fact that I am alone helps me think. I have met some amazing people but upon their departure I am left with myself. To think. To feel. To discover.

There. My creativity is back. Thanks for reading.

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Καλημέρα Ελίνα.

    Να 'ξερες με πόση ανυπομονησία περιμένω να διαβάσω τα νέα σου.
    O δρόμος προς την αυτογνωσία είναι ο πιο μακρύς και δύσκολος απ'όσους κατά καιρούς ακολουθούμε. Είναι αυτός όμως, που μας οδηγεί στην ολοκλήρωση και την ευτυχία.
    Keep going!!!
