Παρασκευή 19 Νοεμβρίου 2010

What to do next

The last posts were a bit emotional. Lets call them a nervous break down! It happens sometimes. I was feeling a bit confused. Now the picture is clearer.

Yesterday it was raining so I got a bit of rest. Today it was a lovely day so we were back at picking olives. Everyone is tired and everyone wants the olive harvest to finish. It's going to finish soon. Looking back I enjoyed it immensely. It was something I had never done before in my life, and still I performed exeptionally well for a city girl. Plus, I gained enough knowledge about olives and olive oil. Plus I ended up coordinating everyone who came to help. I might have been a bit bossy, but I was an "I love you" bossy! Sorry guys! Now I am an expert at putting out the nets and crating olives from the ground! Now I am an expert at "dildoing" although I avoid it like anything.

Lorenzo has been kind enough to tell me I can stay here for as long as I like. Still I am looking at other possibilities. A little bit of good news. Today someone offered to give me a job! I can house-sit the neighbor's house from the 15th of December till the end of January! That means Christmas in a big country house with two dogs! Sounds interesting, huh? I can sit and write all day. And I don't have to do much. Otherwise, my options are:
a. To wait until another job comes up.
b. To volunteer somewhere else in Italy.
c. To volunteer in Spain.

I'll sleep on this information. I was convinced that something will come up moneywise. I'm happy!

1 σχόλιο:

  1. ωραια ακουγεται η προσφορα του γειτονα!τι θα κανεις εκει?αν ειναι χαλαρα οπως λες κι εγω αυτο θα επελεγα και για την συνεχεια θα διαλεγα κατι σε σχεση με τα αλογα στην ισπανια!Ε Ν Ν Ο Ε Ι Τ Α Ι !!!!

