I'm almost happy. I almost have a job.
My mind is straying into imaginary fights with everyone, but I try to stay calm and focused. What I need now is not fights in my head, I need to be an adult and work for money.
It takes a lot of courage to have very little and be content and grateful for all you have. Let's see what I have. I have knowledge to make bread. which I make everyday. Which saves me from spending money to go to the bakers. We are making bread with all possible ways. Bread with olives. Bread with dried tomatos. Bread with oil and oregano. Pizza with okres and potatos and red sauce (very unique and very tasty!) Pizza caltzone with greenery we picked up from the mountain next to our house. Even bread with chocolate! We are very poor and very rich in a special way. We laugh a lot. We are creative with what we have.
And, hopefully, I will start working tomorrow. I need cash. It is very easy to go into a moaning mode, but this will not help anything. I'll stay happy, focused and creative. I brought myself here, I will take me out of here.
Meanwhile, these two guys are showing me what unconditional loving means. Thank you, you lovely creatures!
"We are very poor and very rich in a special way" η αγαπημένη μου φράση .Η αγάπη των ζώων δεν συγκρίνεται με τίποτα.Εύχομαι να σου πάνε όλα καλά και να συνεχίσεις το ταξίδι σου
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήYou have courage enough! Happy Birthday and all the best for the coming year. Greetings from Tuscania.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήHi Elina,
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήThis is Sarah from the hostel in Roma, who's moving to Bangladesh to get a job (and who almost has one too now!). Wanted to let you know that I'm enjoying reading your blog, will continue to read it as I transition at this point in my life...and I also wanted to let you know that I never made it to Greece this time, so that's why I never called.
I got to visit someone in Germany, arrived yesterday...by the time I got up north in Italy, I lingered and it made sense to go through Switzerland to get here.
One day I will come to Greece.
All the best!
Sarah Alibabaie
Thank you Vam for all your comments so far and all your support! I do appreciate it although I don't always answer...
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήSteph, thanks for your birthday wishes!
Sarah, good luck on your travels, my phone number is valid for whenever you decide to visit Greece...