Τετάρτη 9 Ιουνίου 2010


It's official. From here I can see the stars. Every summer, when I leave the city, I am reminded by the simple fact that stars do exist. The city lights block the sky lights. Millions of stars up there, exist whether we see them or not. I am delighted by the fact they are up there and I can see them!

Another thing I was thinking of is making money while travelling. I was once confronted with a question by my teacher Ioanna and it still bugs me. "Who is going to pay you while you travel?" After almost two years I still cannot answer the question. Very interesting.

Here I have put myself in the following position. I am provided with my food and accomodation but I get no money. What is this worth? Being around and helping in the farm - and this means the stable and the kitchen - from 9 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon and from 5 to 10. This is 10 hours per day. If I was on vacation here, I would need 60-70 euros per day for food and accomodation and I would sit around doing nothing. I do consider it little. To be honest, I would like to get paid more to do less. I feel that, at the moment, I am in this situation in order to decide whether I like it or not.

I do enjoy it and I want it to continue but I will continue searching for a job that allows me to travel. Hope you enjoy your summer days too....

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