I have come across many volunteerning organizations on my search for new travels and adventures. Some ask for money. When I was volunteerning in Skyros people where asking me where did I find the horse farm. Did I find it through some organizastion? No I am myself's own organization. I found out about the farm in Italy through friends. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with organizations, but it does not suit my style at the moment.
When you ask around you find solutions you never thought of. And when the time comes you have the answers you need. As I opened myself to the possibility of going to Italy, the information came without a struggle. And now I'm thinking that Spain is a possible destination after Italy and before Africa. I will ask around. I will meet the right people at the right moment. I just have to trust my intuition.
Right now, there are lots of friends in Spain and people keep telling me that Spain is a lovely country. Will I find a place to volunteer or work there? I speak a little bit of spanish and spending some time there will help me practice the language.
Sometimes I feel I am the player of my own reality show. Like the Truman Show. Writing about my adventures and my personal struggles is the kind of exposure that makes you doubt sometimes. Who cares about me and what I go through? And then my other self answers that I might be an inspiration to some. My own struggle and doubt and courage might make others try and follow their own dream. My miserable self and my otpimistic self. Hello guys! I love you both! There is no need to fight! You are both there and I accept you. Feel free to mess around in my head! I will watch you. I will do what I need to do. See you later!
γεια σου.Μου αρέσει πολύ ο τρόπος που γράφεις.Τα περιγράφεις πολύ ωραία.Αλήθεια είναι ότι όταν κάνουμε κάτι τολμηρό δίνουμε και κίνητρο και σε άλλους να ακολουθήσουν τα όνειρα τους.Στην αγία γραφή λέει σε κάποιο σημείο:'Μπείτε από τη στενή πύλη,γιατί είναι πλατιά η πύλη ευρύχωρη η οδός που οδηγεί στο χαμό,και πολλοί μπαίνουν απ'αυτήν.Είναι στενή η πύλη και γεμάτη δυσκολίες η οδός που οδηγεί στη ζωή,και λίγοι είναι εκείνου που τη βρίσκουν.'(Λκ13,24).Συνέχισε να ακολουθείς το όνειρο σου δίνοντας συγχρόνως κουράγιο και σε άλλους.Μην ξεχάσεις να απολάυσεις τη διαδρομή και έχε και τα μάτια σου ανοιχτά γιατί δεν είναι όλοι οι άνθρωποι καλοί και φιλόξενη.