Πέμπτη 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010

My bicycle...

I have been on a bicycle for the past five years. My first bicycle was a gift from my boyfriend. Long before that year's birthday, Antonis asked me what I wanted for a birthday present. As always, I told him the usual... "nothing, I don't know, whatever you want" etc. He asked what would I ask for if I was a child, what would I ask for if I didn't care who would listen. I said without thinking "A bicycle!"

Months passed, I forgot this conversation...

On the day of my birthday, I was not planning any big celebration. I came home from work and I was really knackered, because it was near christmas and the shop I was working for was really busy these days. As I walked into the house, Antonis asked me to close my eyes and he walked me blindfolded into the living room...

I opened my eyes and there it was, a shiny brand new bicycle, full of christmas lights and balloons hanging from it! It was like in the movies! First I cried my heart out thinking "do I deserve this wonderful gift?" And then I realized that this man must love me so much, he spent the little money he had at the time to buy me a bicycle! It was great!

That's how my life as a cyclist begun. I went EVERYWHERE with it! To work, to the supermarket, to a bar for a drink, everywhere. Me and my bicycle went everywhere together, back when almost nobody in Athens used a bicycle. Everyone thought I was crazy and I would get killed with those crazy drivers on the streets!

Nothing ever happened to me. And bicycles on the streets of Athens are more than common nowadays...

My first, beloved bicycle was stolen after four years of living with it. I was devastated. I could not believe it just left me after all those years...

Anyway, I got over it and decided to buy a new one. That was back in April. I bought my new bicycle which was one of those bicycles you can fold and have everywhere with you. I did not spend much time with my new bicycle, because I was away from Athens for three months, so we didn't have the time to bond. Today I sold it to a good friend of mine, who will take care of it and she might bond with it more than I have...

2 σχόλια:

  1. ...και μένα τέτοιο είναι το ποδηλατάκι μου, σπαστό αναδιπλούμενο. Έκανες καλά που το έδωσες σε φίλο που θα το αγαπήσει :)

  2. Ξεκίνησα να σου απαντάω στο προηγούμενο ποστ, αλλά ήθελα να πω τόσα πολλά που το έκανα σε ένα καινούργιο ποστ! Thanks για την έμπνευση roadartist!
